For graduate students, undergraduates, and postdoctoral fellows

Draft Done

How to use the IDEAS framework to get your manuscript started, written, and submitted

  • Discover how the 5 steps in the IDEAS framework can help you get your paper started, written, and submitted in no time
  • Learn the framework I use to get my writing done within weeks for papers that get accepted into high-impact journals
  • Understand how to beat writer's block, writing anxiety and procrastination for good
  • Take the guess-work out of writing your paper because IDEAS gives you the step-by-step process

You know you have to write a paper, but you don't know where to start, what to do next, or what to finish with? You're just stuck in a mountain of random To-Do's that you can't seem to prioritize? This is your guide! Let me give you my step-by-step process for how I write papers that get accepted into high-impact journals. No more guesswork!

You're welcome. ;)

Meet Julia

Hey! I'm Julia Koehler Leman and I'm the nerd who LOVES writing papers and teaching grad students how to do the same.

I'm a scientist in Computational Biology and software engineering. I have a PhD, done two postdocs, and even turned down faculty positions - but that's a story for another time.

After writing my first first-author paper in 2006, which took me FOREVER (18 months to be exact) in endless rounds of revisions, I realized that I must have learned something because my second paper took me 2 WEEKS to write, required minimal edits, and got a Best Paper Award! Since then, I've refined the process - my journal rejection rate is around 3% - and my papers are also getting published in high-impact journals.

I love mentoring and teaching grad students, undergrads, and postdocs like you to do the same, as I've done for over 15 years. My inofficial title for many years was "lab mom" - yep, that's me. ;) My passion is to make you successful through scientific communication because most people aren't getting the right support.

Are you ready to get your manuscript submitted? Yes? Then download the guide and get rolling...